Friday, January 8, 2010

BaRE & UNCoveRed - Is hOw I liKe iT

Is it just me, or are there others out there who enjoy a 'sleeveless' book better.  I am a regular consumer of books and for some reason I'm likely to remove the paper cover. (Do I dare admit that I've been known to use the sleeves as wrapping paper on occasion?!)  I feel a tad bit bad doing it, because I know if those books go elsewhere, they lose the instant recognition of what the book is all about, but alas, I continue to remove them from time to time.  They get all wrinkled up, they are slip-sliding around all the time; and they make a slightly 'messy' book experience out of it all.  I really like the textured linen feel of the hardbook covers WITHOUT the paper sleeves.  That doesn't mean I've removed ALL the covers from ALL the hardback books on my shelves, but there are quite a few that are sitting there bare and beautiful.  I wonder why they don't just print directly on the covers, and save that extra step altogether...does this give them the option to change things up more easily? Does it give them a more efficient way to do all the additional write-ups? If there's a mistake, is it easier to fix?  Is it because they stand out on the shelves better? Seems like kind of a waste.  What do you think?  Do you like 'em bare...or covered up? :)

How's that for random chatter?
Cheers to books and all the joy they bring.


Unknown said...

I love my books bare!

Cate said...

I'm with you! I've been known to make envelopes out of them!

Anonymous said...
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lmcwhitt said...

Bare is better! I do have the guilt about it, though. :)

Judy Shea said...

I'm with you, Michele. I hate the paper covers. I take them off until I'm done the book. Maybe it's more cost efficient? Thanks for the chatter.

Anonymous said...

The covers are off before the book comes in the door!
When the edges get dog-eared or torn I cringe! LOL
I only save the good ones to cut up for bookmarks. I love soft cover books because they don't come with the covers.

Staci Danford said...

Haha.. That post made me laugh. I always wish that the bare covers looked as great as the dust jackets.. They are so inviting to look at, but so annoying to hold while reading.

courage to create said...

YAYYYYYY! So fun to know I'm not alone! Cheers all!

patriciacaspers said...

I love bare books, but I've never allowed myself to remove the cover-- at least not permanently (making them into wrapping paper is a great idea). I do always peek under the cover and feel like I'm being let in on a secret.

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