Friday, June 12, 2009

RaCoOn RivEr dAYs

Hello creative minds, Zach here, checkin' in for Michele this week. I just thought I'd give her a writing break because she's always so crazy busy! Last weekend we were invited to participate in a great kids event, Van Meter's Raccoon River Days Parade and Activities. I was personally lucky enough to drive our Courage to Create Van in the parade with two awesome candy throwers, Michele's daughter, Madeline, and nephew, Tyler.

After the parade, Michele and the rest of us had a blast talking to kids and parents alike, all wandering close to our booth to figure out exactly what "b organic" was all about. At first, I was a little skeptical about having an educational booth at an event that featured blow up obstacle courses, potato sack races, and a whole plethora of games and activities for the kids. But to my surprise, everyone wanted to check out all the creative goodness that was spread about our booth. Oh and as you can see, we all got to sport our new b organic t-shirts, want one? Too bad, you're going to have to wait it out, just keep checking the store, they will be up in not so distant future.

We lured the kids in with some sweet b organic tattoos and a drawing for one of our ever-popular Mud Bars. When the parents followed the young ones, we gave out some creative project sheets that had tons of great ideas to get the kids outside and in touch with nature during the warm summer months. We even handed out a few of our Rustic Residents, everyone seemed to love them! All in all, it was an amazing creative success. Spreading our knowledge and creativity is all we ever aim to do, and as for this weekend, I'd say it was a major success! Oh, and not to forget about the Mud Bar, our lucky winner was Kierra Jimmerson, make sure to have a muddy blast with the Mud Bar, little lady!

Cheers to Potato Sack Races, I LOVE 'EM!

Zacharoo Out

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